Item 203 out of 907
Lot # 203 - Extremely Rare Malwa Sultanate Silver Half Tanka Coin of Ibrahim Shah Lodi of Dehli Sultan.
Extremely Rare Malwa Sultanate Silver Half Tanka Coin of Ibrahim Shah Lodi of Dehli Sultan.
Extremely Rare Malwa Sultanate Silver Half Tanka Coin of Ibrahim Shah Lodi of Dehli Sultan. Extremely Rare Malwa Sultanate Silver Half Tanka Coin of Ibrahim Shah Lodi of Dehli Sultan.
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  •   e-Auction # 43
  •  Bids: 1
  •  Views:362
Start Price 25000 Estimated Price 25000-30000
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Quick Description
Full Description:

Malwa Sultanate, Silver ½ Tanka, Coin struck in the name of Ibrahim Shah Lodi of Dehli Sultan (AH 927-932/1521-1525 AD), Obv: Arabic legend "al-wathiq bil-malik al-multaji abu'l fath Ibrahim Shah", Rev: Arabic legend "bin Sikandar Shah Lodi al-sultan khuld mulkahu", 5.2g, 15.01 x 13.66mm, (G&G # M195),  choice extremely fine, Extremely Rare.
Note: G&G lists this as RRR on the rarity scale.


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